How To Use Hashtags

Facebook, Instagram, Social Media


A “hashtag” is the pound symbol (#) used on words or phrases on social media posts that help categorize together specific content on relevant topics. They allow you to show up in various searches for your target audience and help more people find your content. Since hashtags are a great way to promote your business, make sure that the hashtag is relevant to your business in terms of product, service, location, or period of time. Using hashtag in your posts and stories is very important and it makes a huge impact on your Engagements. For posts, there is no difference if you put the hashtags in your caption or comment, but many accounts prefer in the comment section so on the surface, the post does not look “spammy.” Next, for your stories, you can only have one hashtag per story so it is best to rather use a broad hashtag, opposite of you would do for your posts. In addition to hashtag on stories, another favorite tool is the location sticker. The trick is to specifically pinpoint your location to the dot, for example, using “Seattle’s Chinatown-International District” instead of simply “Chinatown” or “Seattle."

Picture of hashtags